Key information for suppliers

We are providers of specialist mental healthcare for people with complex mental health needs. We are a charity, and so any profit we make is reinvested into patient care; we have no shareholders or owners to pay dividends to, which means that we can always put our patients first.

With the help of our suppliers, we develop innovative ways to help our patients to recover, creating a personalised package of care designed around each individual, which focuses on their physical and spiritual wellbeing as well as mental health.

We understand just how important it is for us to provide the right care. Ensuring that the goods and services you supply are available for the care of our patients is an essential part of this.

In order to support you as a supplier to St Andrews Healthcare, we outline much of the information you will require to work effectively with us within our Supplier Manual page in this website.

> St Andrew's Healthcare Purchase Terms

> St Andrew's Healthcare Code of Conduct for Suppliers

> St Andrew's Data Protection Agreement


> Modern Slavery Act Statement

Operational Purchasing:

> Best Invoicing Practice Guidelines - COMING SOON!

For order queries:
For invoice queries: