St Andrew's is committed to working with you to improve the quality of care for our patients

In a challenging year, our Women's service has engaged with patients, staff and stakeholders with the aim of driving significant change within the service.

With a series of Stakeholder Engagement meetings planned - our next on Wednesday 23 September - we want to share with you some of the changes that have already been made and what this means for our patients, staff and you, our stakeholders.

Women’s service clinical model review

A review of the Women’s clinical model and strategy has been conducted in discussion with multiple stakeholders, including patients and carers, staff, NHSE and regional teams, commissioners and regulators.

These discussions identified the need to develop a trauma informed approach. With many women  in secure services having experienced trauma, this whole system approach, grounded in a thorough understanding of trauma and its effect, aids women to feel safe and secure, so that therapeutic treatment can take place. The five guiding principles of trauma informed care are:

  • Safety – that the secure environment is physically, psychologically and morally safe.
  • Trustworthiness - by making the service delivery, boundaries and treatment goals both transparent and consistent.
  • Choice and Control – by maximising opportunities daily to exercise choice over all aspects of care.
  • Collaboration – establishing a culture of co-production in developing treatment goals and unit development.
  • Empowerment – by an emphasis of recognising strengths, developing skills to live safely and well in the community.

Our trauma informed approach

View the 10 Principles of TIC

TIC Poster