Men's Mental Health - medium secure

A medium secure mental illness service for men aged 18 to 65 years old with serious and enduring mental health problems.

Hawkesley is a 15 bed ward which  specialises in patients with enduring mental health and treatment resistance needs.  We have developed a particular expertise in stepping people down from high secure settings therefore helping greatly with patients managing to have contact with family.

Patients are engaged in therapeutic work including stabilisation, relapse prevention work and awareness of potential destabilisers’.

St Andrews Wards 170517 Panorama 012 HAWKESLEY

Modern dining area

St Andrews Wards 170517 Panorama 015 HAWKESLEY v3

Modern dining area

St Andrews Wards 170517 Panorama 014 HAWKESLEY v2

Modern living area

Admission criteria

For males aged between 18 and 65 who;

  • have a serious mental disorder or mental impairment requiring medium security
  • have behavioural difficulties that seriously compromise their physical or psychological well-being, or that of others.
  • be detained or eligible under the Mental Health Act 1983

These criteria are a guide for assessing suitability. Each patient will be individually assessed by our dedicated team.

Treatment and care

The emphasis will be to enable the patient to move on to a low secure rehabilitation ward, or supervised community discharge at the earliest opportunity through appropriate care pathways.

  • Treatment will be based on the Recovery Model. All patients will have the opportunity to be involved with all aspects of their treatment, utilising a person centred approach. This includes individualised care, ownership of the care planning process, promoting patients’ strengths and encouraging self-management.
  • Treatment needs are informed by a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary formulation of risk and rehabilitation needs that clearly identifies the steps individuals need to progress through the care pathway. All patients will receive an intensive therapeutic programme adapted to varying needs of the patient group.
  • We aim to exceed the recommended 25 hours of meaningful activity.


Next steps

Discharge is considered at admission and our clinical and social work teams work with appropriate case managers to support a transition.