Arrow ImageAcute, PICU and Rapid Response

Event Details

Date of Event: 26th November 2024

Time of Event: 09:15 GMT to 17:15 GMT

Location of Event: Online via Zoom


As our understanding of the impact of exposure to adversity grows, it is accepted that prolonged or chronic exposure to traumatic events can manifest as both trauma and non-trauma focused needs. Yet, our understanding of the relationships and clinical impact of co-existing needs is limited.  Understanding and improving outcomes for people who present with trauma and additional needs are clinical and research priorities. The first symposia of TIC 2024 includes two key note speakers exploring the relationship between trauma and two novel frameworks - adjustment disorder and prolonged grief - as well as exploring the neurological fear and reward processes in PTSD and their implications for diagnosis and treatment.

Building on the theme of co-existing needs, the second symposium will present three papers that explore the relationships between autism, personality needs, and dissociation, and clinical approaches for working effectively with people with co-existing and competing needs. 

At the same time, it is important that we offer a spectrum of trauma treatments to meet differential trauma-focused needs. The final symposium of this conference will present four papers that focus on treatment approaches relating to trauma-focused couples therapy, as well as the role of pharmacology, teletherapy and the ESTAIR intervention for complex PTSD.

Conference Flyer

Below you can download our conference flyer

TIC 2024 Flyer 1

Abstract Submissions Form 2024

Abstract submission form TIC 2024 v2
Professor Mark Shevlin


Mark Shevlin is a Professor of psychology at Ulster University (Coleraine) and an Honorary Professor of Psychological Research Methods and Statistics at the Southern University of Denmark. He started his academic career as a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University in 1995 and has worked at Ulster University since 1998. He teaches research methods and statistics, and supervises research projects, at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Professor Shevlin has published extensively in academic journals and has contributed to the advancement of knowledge in areas such as psychological measurement, latent variable modelling, and the assessment and understanding of mental health issues. His research often focuses on areas such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex PTSD, trauma, anxiety, depression, and the development of psychometric instruments for psychological assessment.

Professor Shevlin was part of an international research team that worked on the structure and diagnosis of stress disorders. He contributed to a large body of research that directly influenced the introduction by World Health Organisation in 2018 of a new psychological disorder to the ICD-11, Complex PTSD, and subsequently led to the development, validation and international clinical roll-out of a new diagnostic tool for the disorder, the International Trauma Questionnaire. He is a leading member of the International Trauma Consortium and has recently been working on the validation of translated mental health measures for use in Ukraine and other countries. His other research interests are in the use of latent variable models, scale development, and psychometrics.

Professor Shevlin has been principal investigator for a number of Economic and Social Research Council projects in the areas of administrative data linkage (e.g. Prevalence and variation in antidepressant prescribing across Northern Ireland: a longitudinal administrative data linkage study for targeted support) and statistical training (e.g. Training Workshops on Modelling Mechanisms of Change Using Longitudinal Archived Data). He was the UU lead for the “COllaborative network for Training and EXcellence in pyschoTraumatology” (CONTEXT), a three-year doctoral training programme. The goal of CONTEXT was to conduct high quality, innovative research, build capacity and expertise, and foster innovative practice in the area of global psychotraumatology. The funder was Horizon 2020, Innovative Training Networks (ITN), Marie Sklodowska-Curie.

As of 2023 Professor Shevlin has over 400 peer reviewed publications, and he has been cited 12,190 times in 8,591 citing articles with has a H-Index of 54. He was recognised with an award for Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Psychiatry and Psychology in 2022. He is currently the statistical editor for the Journal of Traumatic Stress and Child Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry.

He teaches research methods and statistics, and supervises research projects, at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He contributes to the Research Methods and Statistics Summer School teaching latent variable modelling.

Professor Shevlin has supervised over 30 PhD researchers to completion. He is currently supervising projects in the areas of mental health, and has a number of projects examining the prevalence and predictors of prolonged grief disorder.


Professor Thanos Karatzias


Professor Thanos Karatzias (Scientific Committee & Co-Chair) Professor of Mental Health & Director of Research, Edinburgh Napier University, UK Research Consultant, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma, UK

Professor Karatzias has spent his entire clinical and academic career working in the field of psychological trauma. In collaboration with national and international research partners, he has developed a special interest in the effects and treatment of psychological trauma on physical and mental health, on prison populations, and on people with learning disabilities. He has published extensively in these areas.

Professor Yuval Neria


Professor Yuval Neria Professor of Clinical Medical Psychology, Departments of Psychiatry and Epidemiology Research Scientist, The New York State Psychiatric Institute Director of Trauma and PTSD Program, The New York State Psychiatric Institute Director of Columbia-NYP Military Family Wellness Centre College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University

Yuval Neria is Professor of Clinical Medical Psychology at Columbia University, Departments of Psychiatry and Epidemiology, and Director of Trauma and PTSD at the New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI).

Neria's body of work was deeply influenced by his extensive war experiences. He was injured in the Yom Kippur 1973 War and at the age of 22 was awarded the Medal of Valour, the highest decoration for combat bravery in Israel. Dr. Neria joined Columbia University Medical Centre in 2002, and since then has led and collaborated on numerous studies in trauma and PTSD. He has studied prisoners of war and war veterans, civilians exposed to terrorism and disasters, and recently people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. To address major gaps in availability of mental health treatments for service members and their family members, he founded the Columbia-NYP Military Family Wellness Centre in 2016, where both veterans and family members can receive free, evidence based care to address their PTSD, depression and anxiety problems. In addition, he has co-founded and co-directed the Man O’ War Project dedicated to developing and test the efficacy of equine assisted therapy for PTSD. In his lab, Neria’s group is focused on studies aiming to identify brain markers for trauma, PTSD, and resilience. By using advanced multimodal imaging approaches, his lab has developed innovative methods to characterize deficits in fear and reward processing, systematically mapping PTSD biotypes, and has successfully identified biomarkers of clinical improvement in PTSD patients undergoing a range of therapeutic approaches. Neria is the Principal Investigator on a multi-site randomized clinical trial investigating the efficacy of Transcendental Meditation (TM) for veterans and first responders diagnosed with PTSD. Neria’s research has been supported by NIMH, philanthropy, and private foundations since 2004. He has authored more than 250 scientific articles and book chapters and has edited four textbooks focusing on the nature and treatment of the mental health consequences of trauma

Dr Leonhard Kratzer


Dr Leon Kratzer Consultant Clinical Psychologist Department of Psychotraumatology, Germany Dr Leon Kratzer is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in the Department of Psychotraumatology, Clinic St. Irmingard, Prien am Chiemsee, Germany.

He is a licensed psychotherapist (CBT), licensed psychotraumatologist (DeGPT) and a licensed EMDR therapist (EMDRIA).

Dr Rahel Bachem


Dr. Rahel Bachem is a senior research associate at the division of Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention, Department of Psychology, University of Zurich.

From 2012 to 2015 she was a PhD candidate, lecturer and psychotherapist at the Department of Psychology, University Zurich, and graduated summa cum laude with her thesis titled “Contributions to research into stress response syndromes: The intrapersonal resource sense of coherence and an intervention for adjustment disorders”. During her subsequent clinical year, she worked as a psychotherapist in a special unit for trauma-related disorders (2025-2016). Upon receiving Early- and Advanced Postdoc.Mobility SNF Fellowships, she was affiliated with Tel Aviv University and the I-CORE Research Centre for Mass Trauma, Israel (2016-2019) where she studied the systemic impact of trauma and posttraumatic stress on family systems. She returned to the University of Zurich in 2019 and has held positions as a postdoctoral researcher, psychotherapist, and senior research associate at the chair of Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention. She taught bachelor- and master-level courses on stress-related disorders, diagnostics, and quantitative research methods. The focus of her current research lies on conceptual, diagnostic and therapeutic questions related to ICD-11 adjustment disorder and (complex) posttraumatic stress disorder as well as on cultural variations in trauma sequelae. She obtained her professional license as a psychotherapist after concluding her MAS at the Klaus Grawe Institute for Psychological Therapy in 2022

Professor Danny Horesh


Dr. Danny Horesh is a licensed clinical psychologist, as well as a senior lecturer and head of the Trauma and Stress Research Lab at Bar-Ilan University’s Department of Psychology. He is also an adjunct assistant professor at New York University’s Department of Psychiatry. 

Dr. Horesh is both a practicing clinician and a researcher. His research focuses on factors associated with vulnerability and resilience to traumatic stress. Dr. Horesh studies a variety of trauma-exposed populations, including women following stillbirth and pregnancy loss, individuals with co-morbid PTSD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, and spouses of combat veterans. He also studies the narratives and discourse patterns of individuals and couples exposed to traumatic events. Finally, Dr. Horesh’s team conducts randomized controlled trials of mindfulness-based psychotherapy among a variety of populations suffering from stress-related disorders, including Israeli police officers and individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Professor Jon Bisson


Professor Jon Bisson is a practising psychiatrist and Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at Cardiff University. He is Director of Traumatic Stress Wales and 'Health for Health Professionals', national initiatives to improve the health and wellbeing of people affected by traumatic events in Wales and staff working in NHS Wales.

Professor Bisson is Deputy Director of the National Centre for Mental Health and lead its intervention development workstream. He has conducted many research studies including six randomised controlled trials and five Cochrane systematic reviews that have shaped research and practice in the traumatic stress field. He was co-chair of the UK’s first PTSD NICE Guideline Development Group and chair the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies’ Treatment Guidelines Committee. I developed and continue to lead Cardiff University’s Traumatic Stress Research Group. Professor Bisson developed and was the first director of NHS Veterans Wales and Health and Care Research Wales.

Professor Candice M Monson

Candice M. Monson, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at Toronto Metropolitan University in Toronto, ON.

Dr. Monson is one of the foremost experts on traumatic stress and the use of individual and conjoint therapies to treat PTSD. She has published extensively on the development, evaluation, and dissemination of PTSD treatments more generally. She has been funded by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs, National Institute of Mental Health, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Defense, and Canadian Institutes of Health for her research on interpersonal factors in traumatization and individual- and conjoint-based interventions for PTSD. She is a Fellow of both the American and Canadian Psychological Associations, and received the Canadian Psychological Association Trauma Psychologist of the Year Award in 2013 and the Sarwan Sahota Ryerson Distinguished Scholar Award for outstanding contribution to knowledge or artistic creativity in 2014.

Dr. Monson has co-authored 7 books, including the treatment manuals Cognitive Processing Therapy: Veteran/Military Version and Cognitive-Behavioural Conjoint Therapy for PTSD. She has published over 165 peer-reviewed publications and chapters. Dr. Monson is well-known for her efforts in training clinicians in evidence-based assessments and interventions for PTSD.

Dr. Catrin Lewis

Dr Catrin Lewis' research focuses on the development and evaluation of psychological interventions for trauma related disorders.

Working within the Intervention Development workstream of the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) she has extensive experience of working alongside experts by lived experience to develop novel interventions using mixed method approaches. Dr Lewis' PhD involved developing and pilot testing Spring a novel guided internet-based programme for PTSD which is now being implemented in the NHS. she is currently working on the development of similar interventions for Prolonged Grief Disorder, Complex PTSD and a bespoke version of Spring for military veterans.

Dr Lewis has conducted several Cochrane reviews and worked for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to produce Clinical Practice guidelines. She was a member of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) treatment guidelines committee, taking a lead in synthesising the evidence for psychological therapies. Dr Lewis also has an interest in sleep disturbance related to PTSD, and PTSD as a comorbidity of other disorders.

Dr Deborah Morris


Dr Deborah Morris (Scientific Committee and Co-Chair) Director, Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma, UK Director of Postgraduate programmes in trauma, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Buckingham Deborah is the director for the Centre for Developmental and Complex Trauma and the Director of Post graduate programmes in trauma, University of Buckingham.

A Consultant Clinical Psychologist by training, Deborah has worked clinically with adults with complex personality disorder, neurodevelopmental, forensic and mental health needs in the community, assertive outreach, crisis, residential, prison and inpatient settings.


Deborah has previously worked in professional and clinical lead positions and in services to support the mental health and trauma needs of healthcare professionals. Her publications and ongoing research interests include; occupational distress and trauma, treatments for personality disorder, intellectual disabilities, developmental trauma disorders, the intersection between trauma and personality disorder, moral injury, gendered approaches to trauma, adverse childhood experiences, the physical health impact of trauma, and the psychometric properties of psychological tools. In her spare time Deborah indulges her obsessions with Star Wars, scuba diving with sharks and her typically unsuccessful attempts to establish an organic allotment. She is an avid cook and enthusiastically avoids gyms and all forms of organised fitness.

How To Book

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  • Step 2 - Cheques to be made payable to St Andrew's Healthcare

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What is a purchase order?  If you’ve not arranged this before, a purchase order (PO) is a document that the buyer sends to a supplier with a request for products or services. Each PO will include a number for tracking the purchase order through the system, as well as the type of item, quantity, and agreed price. Your finance team will be able to provide this document or number to you. 

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