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A 2-bed flat for men and women recovering from acquired/traumatic brain injury
Call for availability
0800 434 6690
Autistic Spectrum Disorder service
A 14-bed unit for men with acquired / traumatic brain injury
2 Beds
Aspen is part of our specialist dementia hub
1 Bed
Psychiatric intensive care ward based in Essex, facilitating short term intensive treatment
Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit within the Male Mental Health Pathway, based in Northampton
3 Beds
Men's Mental Healthcare pathway
Inpatient care and rehabilitation
a specialist low secure unit for male ASD patients
Bracken is part of the Women's Blended Service for women with complex mental health needs
Cherry is part of our specialist dementia hub
A 10 bed admissions ward for adult men with an acquired/traumatic brain injury
The UK’s only dedicated medium secure service for older men aged over 55 years
A low secure admissions, treatment and recovery ward for adult males aged 18 to 65
This ward is part of West Midlands Reach Out partnership, prioritising care closer to home
A 12 bed ward for adult women who have an acquired/traumatic brain injury
Contact Us
Elm is part of our specialist dementia hub
The largest UK medium secure service for deaf men aged between 18 and 65 years old
Fenwick is a specialist older adult female low secure
A low secure service for men aged 18+ with autistic spectrum disorder
4 Beds
Female 24-hour psychiatric intensive care unit for rapid stabilisation and assessment
A homely 5 bed house for people with a forensic psychiatric background and a diagnosis of ASD
Blended - medium and low secure
Inpatient Care and Rehabilitation
Low secure
Medium secure
Step Down Housing
Acquired brain injury
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Huntington's Disease
Learning Disabilities
Men's Mental Healthcare
Women's Mental Healthcare
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Young People
Older People